02 March 2010

CSU students in Chile unharmed after quake

Wired.com's article: Concepcion moved 10 feet to the west after earthquake.

Students participating in the International Program in Chile are unharmed by the 8.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Concepcion Feb. 27, according to the Daily 49er.

Twenty-nine CSU students were studying at the Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago, according to Leo Van Cleve, CSU director of International Programs.

The earthquake's epicenter was 70 miles from Concepcion, but 200 miles from Santiago.

"Everyone is accounted for and everybody is OK," Van Cleve said, "There was damage in Santiago, but not nearly as extensive as Concepcion."

The year-long program in Chile was on semester break during the earthquake, but started the next semester only five days after the originally planned date (March 8 instead of March 3).

The Daily 49er's article can be found here.

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